Drag - Sled Harness

Recommendations: 0.0095-0.019 Dist, 90 Wght

Intermediate Quads Hamstrings Strength Sled Push Compound Gym

Purpose: To develop core strength of the lower and middle body.

Benefits: It is the single best exercise to develop full body strength and increase your fat-burning metabolism.

Load a sled with the desired weight. Face forward with the straps attached to your weight belt. Lean forwards, straps taut. This is your starting position. Lean forwards, moving your right foot forwards, extending through the left leg. Take a short, quick step to move as quickly as possible. Remember to breathe. Lean forwards, moving your left foot forwards, extending through the right leg. Take a short, quick step to move as quickly as possible. Remember to breathe. Repeat for the recommended distance.

The quads are a set of four muscles in the upper front thigh. All four muscles work to straighten the knee. One of the four (rectus femoris) also helps to bend the hip. Squats are considered a vital exercise for increasing the strength and size of the legs and butt.

Step 1

Lean forwards, straps attached to your weight belt, facing away from the loaded sled.


Load a sled with the desired weight. Face forward with the straps attached to your weight belt. Lean forwards, straps taut. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Take a short step forwards with your right foot.


Lean forwards, moving your right foot forwards, extending through the left leg. Take a short, quick step to move as quickly as possible. Remember to breathe.

Step 3

Take a short step forwards with your left foot.


Lean forwards, moving your left foot forwards, extending through the right leg. Take a short, quick step to move as quickly as possible. Remember to breathe.